Red Sands Psychiatry -and- Red Sands Restorative Therapy & Counseling

Red Sands Psychiatry -and- Red Sands Restorative Therapy & Counseling


Mental Health Agencies & Services

About Us

Local Out-Patient Mental Health Practice, providing care through medication management, psychotherapy, and other therapy modalities.


We change the decor of the lobby for each month to celebrate different seasons or holidays - the little details are always fun!
Red Sands Psychiatry Waiting Area
Play Therapy Room, not just for kiddos!
Sands Tray Therapy
We have a weekly sound-healing class
We give time and attention to the small details in each office, hoping to create a welcoming atmosphere for our clients and their families.
We have a weekly DBT groups - one for teens and another for adults.

Rep/Contact Info

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Paige Marshall